AquaVac-S 200
AquaVac®-S is an effective and economical solution for water control in the operating room during arthroscopic surgical procedures of the shoulder.
AquaVac®-S is a double mat system fabricated from high grade rubber that seasl to the operating room floor. AquaVac®-S uses standard operating room suction to remove spilled saline before it can spread away from the operative area. AquaVac®-S can remove all spillage during shoulder arthroscopic surgery when positioned and draped properly.

AquaVac®-S enhances surgical team comfort and performance with improved footing on the otherwise wet operating room floor. Operating room turnover time is greatly reduced by elimination of work required to clean and dry the floor between cases. AquaVac®-S decreases liability for slips and personnel injury on a wet operating room floor. Rapid removal of potentially contaminated body fluids in the operating room is an added benefit of AquaVac®-S.
AquaVac®-S controls spilled saline and other fluids away from the immediate surgical area during shoulder arthroscopy. Saline is directed to the AquaVac®-S where it is vacuumed away by suction.
AquaVac®-S incorporates two mats placed on the right and left side at the head of the O.R. table. The upper surface of each mat directs fluid to the underside of the mat via 27 holes, allowing the surgeon to stand on a relatively dry surface (Fig. 1). The underside of AquaVac®-S is a series of channels which seal to the O.R. floor and allow rapid removal of spilled saline by suction. The right and left AquaVac®-S mats in each set are connected together and then to common suction by the InterVac onnector included with AquaVac®-S.
Stand on a wet AquaVac®-S only when it is attached to suction. Vacuum suction to the floor keeps the mat from moving. Do not use AquaVac®-S on a waxed O.R. floor.
AquaVac®-S should be stored in its carton at room temperature (60-74°F). Unopened AquaVac®-S may be stored on-end or flat. AquaVac®-S has a limited shelf life and the rubber may stiffen - limiting ability to seal to the floor.
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