AquaVac 100
AquaVac® is an effective and economical solution for water control in the operating room during arthroscopic surgical procedures, as well as any surgical procedure that causes fluid to spill on the operating room floor.
AquaVac® is a mat fabricated from a special compound of high-grade rubber, precision-molded to ensure full contract and water seal with the operating room floor. AquaVac® uses standard operating room suction to remove spilled saline before it can pool and spread away from the operative area. AquaVac® has been tested and shown to remove 95% of spillage during arthroscopic surgery.



AquaVac® should be stored in its carton on a flat surface at room temperature (60 to 84 degrees F). Do not store the shipping carton in its end, as the live-rubber of the AquaVac will deform and will not seal flat to the operating room floor.
AquaVac® has a limited shelf life, during which time the rubber loses plasticizer and stiffens, thereby limiting the ability of AquaVac® to seal to the floor.
Contact us for pricing.